The Evolution Of Food & Fitness: How Things Have Changed

Everything health and fitness related can all trace back to one thing: our human evolution. Let’s unpack what we mean by this… Humans evolved in nature’s garden. We gathered a wide variety of nuts, berries, tubers, and leafy greens. We hunted animals and were hunted by animals. Every day was spent in the elements, traveling, […]

10 Healthy High Fat Foods

Fats tend to get demonized in an unjust way. However, fats are essential for healthy body functioning. Here’s what you need to know about fats and why fat is crucial for good health.   Are Fats Good For You? The short answer is yes. Fat is an essential macronutrient, meaning the only way your body […]

Smart Grocery Shopping Tips: Navigate the Store Like a Pro

Grocery shopping and doing it right are paramount to maintaining your health, serving as your first line of defense against eating too many processed foods. This article offers some helpful tips for how to shop, how to properly read labels on packaged foods, and which convenience foods are smart to buy. Shop The Perimeter Perishable […]

The Vital Link: Exercise & Mental Health

The link between mental health and exercise is extremely important, and something that is overlooked by many as an incentive for working out. Studies have shown that working out is beneficial for almost every aspect of mental health and cognitive ability. This article goes over the science behind these benefits and how you can start […]

The Truth About Fad Diets

meal prep food in containers

There is no miracle pill for changing body composition, especially quickly. That’s why 80% of all dieters gain the weight they lose back. This article covers the most popular fad diets and why they might not be the best choice if you want to change your body composition.    What Are Fad Diets? Fad diets […]

Post Workout Recovery Tips & Tricks

At BarPath Fitness, we often hear from clients struggling with recovery, particularly dealing with post-workout soreness. Understanding the fine line between beneficial soreness and overtraining is crucial. If you find yourself sore after every workout, it’s likely you’re pushing too hard with excessive volume and intensity. Proper recovery is essential for maximizing the benefits of […]

How To Lift Weights Properly

This article contains tips to help you to start strength training on the right foot.    Why Are Weight Lifting Techniques Important?  When people do not engage in proper techniques when strength training, they do not get the full benefits of their workouts, overstrain their bodies, and they open the door to possible injuries down […]

Building A Home Gym On A Budget

gym equipment

Building a home gym doesn’t have to break the bank. With some strategic planning and smart purchases, you can create a workout space that meets your fitness needs without draining your wallet. In this guide, we’ll explore how to build a home gym on a budget, covering essential equipment and cost-effective options. Building A Home […]

The Easiest Chicken Jambalaya Recipe

chicken jambalaya

Prep time: 30 minCook time: 60 minTotal time: 90 min Servings: 3 Large ServingsCals: 1,031Protein: 85 gCarbs: 68 gFat: 42 g *I eat large servings. For something a little smaller (a Heather portion), this recipe can make 6 servings. Simply divide the above macros in half and portion the recipe into 6 servings* Chicken Jambalaya […]

How to Build Back Muscle

pull up

Whatever shape you are trying to achieve in your body; an hourglass shape or broad shoulders, training the back is a major part of creating that shape. The back is a large area on the body with lots of muscles, so building this area of the body is important for spine mobility and overall health. […]